Brgy. Nagbibilang, QC

Monday, November 25, 2013


“All the people of the earth, are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the people of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: “what have you done?”” Daniel 4: 35

God is sovereign. 

As the summer of 2010 came to its inevitable end, I was standing at my life’s crossroad. Everything seems falling apart at that time. Our business was dying and relationships lost from betrayal and contempt. Although I have known Jesus Christ and accepted him as my saviour, I found myself drifting away because it was more comforting. I thought I deserve to be alone and miserable. 

My Mom has always been supportive all my life. During those times, she felt what I was going through. Considering it was more painful for her to have experienced our family tragedy,  she has this innate unconditional love for me. We talked for days about my plans of working abroad. Even though my plan was bleak as those summer nights, she gave her trust and helped me, financially and emotionally. I don’t know where she got her strength from, but nevertheless she was able to provide.

Four days after the May 10 Presidential election, I came out of Ninoy Aquino International Airport clueless. I remember staying in the arrival area outside for hours, gathering myself and looking for a place to stay for couple of days. I have so little that will probably get me through for two weeks in Manila. I stayed in a dorm type hotel in Cubao for two days. It turned out to be a strategic location because all my Job interviews were within the vicinity. 

I have vast experience in sales and quality control. As an engineer, it was a bit unnatural. God is indeed omnipotent. Although I had zero experience in design engineering, he gave me five job offers as a designer. God led me to an environmental engineering company in Quezon City. With my modest earnings, I was able to stay afloat and moved to a place in Mandaluyong City. 

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

I was involved in wastewater management projects for private companies within Metro Manila. It never crossed my mind to be in depth with environmental engineering but God has a purpose for me to be in this field. I forgot about my original plan to look for jobs abroad. I enjoyed learning and working with young engineers like me. New friends found and connections were formed. I committed fully to be an earth warrior.

My life was gradually picking up. I was able to reach out to those people I hurt in the past and my family here in Metro Manila. Yes, I have family here and life would have been easier if I reached out in the first place. But I want to learn life, with its bitterness and triumphs; the highs and lows. My family here helped me re-ignite my relationship with the Lord.

2012 was a year of change, both my personal and professional life. I know God gave me a lot of time to make myself fully equipped to take bigger responsibilities. By His grace, a door opened and gave me an opportunity to serve millions of Filipino. With this position, I am able to educate people about social responsibilities for environmental protection, giving people access to services that improve the quality of life and lobbying environmental policies to local government units. I know that we have a long way to recuperate the things that being lost from the environment, but the battle has begun.

I know my relationship with God is not perfect. I have a lot of things to learn about Him. I am not perfect. I have to learn how to forgive my father who caused my family tremendous pain. I pray to God that someday I might be able to fully let go. Everyday, I am grateful for the things that happened in my life. I am here because I was able to trust God. 

If you are reading this and you are in your life’s crossroad, my advise is to pray and trust God fully. You may not understand his plan, but God never falters. My life experience is an example of how God is faithful to his promise. 

Let me close this entry by quoting my favourite Bible verse from the songs of Psalm 31:6, “I trust in the Lord.”

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