Brgy. Nagbibilang, QC

Friday, January 3, 2014

My Plate Repost

I just read my old journal. 

It reads....

Dated Nov. 10, 2009

Title: My Plate

Do you know what funny is? I have been so tired for the past few days, with school, parties and work. It's time to put something straight in my life. Maybe a little less of the parties and more work and school. I am about to do some dramatic changes in my life for the coming months. It will be for the better. I can't tell you guys but one thing for sure, if all things go my way, I might not be here on my next birthday. By saying "here" means in this city. 

Finally, I know what I'm going to do with my life. Getting back to school and learning new tricks in engineering has always been so amazing lately. I know I have a lot of catching up to do but its never too late. I am preparing actually for an exam on March 2010 and by early next year, I'll be starting on my requirements for my admission for next year also. And there are tons of tons of people I'll be talking to. Time for me to go back to Ateneo and talk to my Profs. 

Life's really amazing and full of surprises. It's not perfect, and it will never will, but i am having fun. It's how you handle everything.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow. I will enjoy this wild ride.

Guess I did it. I am here.

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