Brgy. Nagbibilang, QC

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I am supposedly taking a break from blogging because I am planning to make this a travel journal and my next major trip will be in August-keeping my fingers crossed. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about relationship and trust me, its the last thing I want to talk about. Since the age of the new "me", I try to be oblivious about almost everything around me except my work of course.

But I have been cursed with the ability to absorb someone else's emotion. Especially those coming from someone close to me - like a friend. So here we go, this is something about love.

What is it with love, something so pure and innocent, expires easily when familiarity and routinary added to the equation. Does it has to be that linear? As simple as y=mx + b? As predictable as replacing variables with certain value and you get love or zero love? If you agree that the aproach of love must not be complicated, as most people anticipate it would be, like the simpliest linear equation that you can find, then why do people messed up? Come on! Love is and always be the exception of the rule, in all cases. Love is constant, not a variable. Whatever you put in the equation and however you want it to run, it will always and should always be equals to love, right?

There is that big misconception about love. It is not love when you start thinking about taking a break or time off from it. It is not love when you can lie from or for it. It is not love when you cant find it in yourself to appreciate it. It is not love when you put it in the same paper of your shopping list. It is not love when you cant prioritize it. And the list goes on. So what is it called then if it is not love? Because frankly we need another word for "almost love". If it is not love then its bullshiting.

So tell me, when can we say love is love? But, is it part of being human to experience the thrill of chasing the so called pure and innocent love? How many of us found it before dying?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Just because I am tough doesn't mean I won't bleed.
Just because I smile doesn't mean I won't get mad.
Just because I forgive does't mean I won't remember.
Just because I am far doesn't mean I won't listen.

Just because you have money doesn't mean you can buy.
Just because you have everything doesn't mean you have what you need.
Just because you know how to pray doesn't mean you can decieve God.
Just because you are on top doesnt mean you won't fall.

Just because I bleed doesn't mean I am weak.
Just because I cry doesn't mean I am brittle.
Just because I am nice doesn't mean I am dumb.
Just because I bleed doesnt mean I am human.

Just because you know me doesn't mean you can sing my song.
Just because you know me doesnt mean you really know me.
Just because you know me doesn't mean you are a friend.
Just because you know me doesn't mean you bleed.

Just because I am who I am doesn't mean I can be who I am.