Brgy. Nagbibilang, QC

Thursday, November 11, 2010


No land area to compute, no benchmark to establish, stadia rod and engineer’s field work free, Grace, Apol and I had a luscious dinner at Chelsea at Serendra Global City with Ampeng and Harry. It was a typical catching-up dinner since we saw Grace like more than a year ago. We talked about almost everything, from work to flings, from every sale in Metro Manila Grace and I went, coffee, fur coats and not so good work related experiences.

I like being around with my friends in college because it reminds me why I love engineering in the first place.

Until the next spontaneous reunion with you guys. Hope Ariane, Jeffrey, Jonathan and Wilson could join us.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I opted to write this letter since its still timely – perfect time I guess to say it all before it becomes stale and meaningless, and since I am still single.

First and foremost, we had a good relationship. Probably not the best and ideal but it was good. I thought crossing over from being bestfriends to romantic relationship is overrated.  It wasn’t the case for us. I realized it had so many perks that we totally talked and shared almost everything, from hidden thoughts, nasty secrets to killing someone. The level of comforts was enormous and sometimes scary, but most of the time it was our advantage.

Since I met you, my life changed in so many different ways. There was something about how you inspired me to do things I like. You brought back my love for architectures and maths. You encouraged me to expand my knowledge and discover new adventures. You let me be who I am because you leveled the comforts for me.

Every travel we had brings a lot of memories. Those were my favorite places in the country and I am glad I got you to be part of it. I have the best memories in life with you. Traveling alone again is probably one of the most painful aftermaths of our relationship. I was lucky enough to have revisited the places we’ve been, for me not to hate the place. It was part of my healing.

Amidst all the things happened, we held our grounds. Probably this is what I miss most about you, your sense of unfaltering trust, honesty and the way you comfort me. Things weren’t easy for us, distance and some people around me. If I didn’t say any apologies yet, let me take this post an opportunity to say sorry for all my shits, not that it matters now; I just want to clear everything.

Neither one of us want this. We compromised everything in the beginning and now we are sort of reaping it. Friendship isn’t a possibility or the thought of seeing each other once again. I won’t blame anyone, and probably this is the best thing. I know you are happy now with someone else and I honestly wish good things for both of you. I am happy knowing that you didn’t give up on love. That alone gives so much comfort to me.

I do not wish anything between us. I take life as it is. Maybe it was just that for us. Nothing more. We may never see each other again but you are always remembered. And I hope you do as well. I am happy now to have made this far, soon I will be leaving and take on to my next adventure. I will carry the things I learned from you an d make everything right this time around.

“There is something beautiful in goodbyes. The exquisite pain, the sadness, the void it leaves, and the recovery; the different colors that paint a dark yet wonderful picture. We long for them. And when the picture has faded, we wish to witness its beauty once more.”

Thursday, November 4, 2010


October 29, 2010, Iloilo City – I was so excited that day that I get to see my friends from home after almost 6 months since I started working in Metro Manila. It was my first time too in the city and I was all prepared with my Ilonggo slang – well it is acceptable because of my effort.

I had a blast @ MO2 Smallville

October 30 – Nov. 2, 2010, Boracay Island – Ate, Partied, Bathed, Laughed, Talked, Screamed and Fired Up. 

I will be ready for next Halloween. I'll top my costume next